Australian MH17 families engage renowned aviation lawyer for planned legal action against Russia, Ukraine and Malaysia
Kamis, 04 Desember 2014 – 10:00 WIB
The lawsuit is expected to be filed with the European Court of Human Rights.
Mr Skinner said the families deserve answers.
"They want to know everything. Right now, they know very little other than they suffered great loss," he said.
"Did my loved ones suffer? Was it such that it was almost instantaneous? Who fired it?
"They want to know and I think that they're entitled to know.
"The goal of the system is always reduced to dollars, but the goal of the human side of it is they want answers and we'll get as many answers as we can."
An international aviation lawyer is preparing a lawsuit on behalf of families of the Australian victims of the MH17 plane crash.Jerry Skinner was
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