Bertemu Menteri Siti, Perwakilan UNDP Puji Pengelolaan Lingkungan di Indonesia

Bertemu Menteri Siti, Perwakilan UNDP Puji Pengelolaan Lingkungan di Indonesia
Menteri LHK Siti Nurbaya bertemu Resident Representative United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Indonesia Norimasa Shimomura. Foto: dok Humas KLHK

Peran UNDP dalam kerja sama dengan KLHK untuk melaksanakan Proyek Global Environment Facility (GEF) sangat penting. Setidaknya terdapat 9 proyek yang didanai GEF yang sekarang tengah berjalan di Indonesia dan dikelola bersama oleh Kementerian LHK dan UNDP yaitu:

1.Enhancing the Protected Area System in Sulawesi for Biodiversity Conservation – EPASS (s.d. 2020);

2. Strengthening the Capacity of Institutions in Indonesia to comply with the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement – CBIT (s.d. 2020);

3. Catalyzing Optimum Management of Natural Heritage for Sustainability of Ecosystem, Resources and Viability of Endangered Wildlife Species -CONSERVE (s.d. 2021);

4. Food System, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Programme (IP) Child Project: Strengthening Sustainability in Commodity and Food Systems, Land Restoration and Land Use Governance through Integrated Landscape Management for Multiple Benefits in Indonesia (s.d. 2021);

5. Capacity Development for Implementing Rio Conventions through Enhancing Incentive Mechanism for Sustainable Watershed/Land Management – CCCD (s.d. 2021);

6. Transforming Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation in Priority Sumatran Landscapes – TIGER (s.d. 2022);

7. Global Opportunities for Long-term Development: Integrated Sound Management of Mercury in Indonesia’s Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining - GOLD: ISMIA (s.d. 2023);

Menteri Siti Nurbaya saat mengawali pertemuan itu dengan mengucapkan selamat atas penunjukan Shimomura menjadi Resident Representative yang baru untuk UNDP Indonesia.

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