Former JI Terrorist Admits Being Terrorist During High School - TARAKAN – Abdurrahman Ayub has told us his story when he was still a terrorist. He admitted he had had military training in a jungle in Sabah, Malaysia.
At that time, he was still 17 years old. “We lived and trained in Sabah jungle, Malaysia. We had a lot of kinds of training there,” Ayub said on Thursday, December 12.
It all started when he joined the jihadist in Afghanistan in 1982. When he returned from Afghanistan, he was honored to be the mantiqi (regional group) 4 leader. It covers Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.
During his time as a terrorist, he had had intelligence and survival training. He admitted he had experienced many troubles as a terrorist. He even had lived in the jungle when he was running from the police.
“I became a terrorist from class 1 to class 2 terrorist and at that time I was still a student in a technical machinery vocational school (STM),“ he added. (kp3/jos/apa/jpnn)
TARAKAN – Abdurrahman Ayub has told us his story when he was still a terrorist. He admitted he had had military training in a jungle in Sabah,
Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi
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