Grup Metal yang Disukai Jokowi Minta Pengampunan Terpidana Mati Inggris
![Grup Metal yang Disukai Jokowi Minta Pengampunan Terpidana Mati Inggris]( - JAKARTA - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) diuji lagi. Sebuah surat terbuka beredar untuk Jokowi, dari Barney Greenway, yang merupakan vokalis Napalm Death, grup metal yang disukai Jokowi.
Dalam suratnya yang diberitakan The Independent, Selasa (3/2), Greenway mendesak Jokowi menunjukkan belas kasihan kepada warga Inggris, Lindsay Sandiford (56 tahun) yang divonis mati pada 2013 di Bali karena membawa 4,7 kilogram kokain.
Greenway meminta Jokowi menyelamatkan nyawa Sandiford. Ini isi suratnya.
Dear Mr Widodo,
I am writing to you again to appeal for mercy and restraint, this time regarding the case of Lindsay Sandiford, a prisoner from the UK who it would seem is facing the prospect of imminent execution on the grounds of cocaine trafficking.
My request for a considered, humane perspective extends to all prison detainees, but particularly in the case of Lindsay Sandiford it would appear that she was under duress to transport drugs, with her family under threat if she did not comply.
Speaking generally, there have been countless miscarriages of justice and excessive punishments throughout history, and when the designated penalty is death I would suggest that someone potentially faced with no option but to bow to such a threat deserves far greater hearing and protection from the gravest of penalties.
Currently, Lindsay Sandiford has not seemingly been afforded the legal resources to present her case, so to deal with her case in the cruellest way would be to do so on a partial hearing of the facts at hand and not upon any form of justice as I understand the concept.
JAKARTA - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) diuji lagi. Sebuah surat terbuka beredar untuk Jokowi, dari Barney Greenway, yang merupakan vokalis Napalm
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