Jokowi to Unequivocally Give Instructions for Asian Games - JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has instructed the Ministry of Youth & Sport, and the government of the Capital Region of Jakarta, West Java, and South Sumatera to start doing some serious preparations for the 2018 Asian Games, considering there has not been any significant preparatory measures so far.
"I expect for a weekly meeting marathon to resolve all issues, and to get everything done," said Jokowi in an Asian Games XVIII meeting at the presidential office, Jakarta, on Friday (11/12)
Jokowi does not want to see any more issues in the upcoming year of 2016, especially in the cities of the event venues.
"Particularly the venues that need to be totally reconstructed and renovated. I truly want the Asian Games 2018 to be a huge success," Jokowi added. (flo/jos/jpnn)
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has instructed the Ministry of Youth & Sport, and the government of the Capital Region of Jakarta, West Java,
Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi
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