Lagi, 1917 Kalahkan Joker dan Parasite Merebut Titel Film Terbaik

Lagi, 1917 Kalahkan Joker dan Parasite Merebut Titel Film Terbaik
Ilustrasi Film 1917. Foto: dreamworks picture

The Norman Felton Award for Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television: Drama - “Succession” (Season 2)

The Danny Thomas Award for Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television: Comedy - "Fleabag” (Season 2)

The David L. Wolper Award for Outstanding Producer of Limited Series Television - “Chernobyl”

Producer of Televised or Streamed Motion Pictures - “Apollo: Missions to the Moon”

The Award for Outstanding Producer of Non-Fiction Television - “Leaving Neverland”

The Award for Outstanding Producer of Live Entertainment & Talk Television - “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” (Season 6)

The Award for Outstanding Producer of Game & Competition Television - “RuPaul’s Drag Race” (Season 11)

Lagi, film drama Perang Dunia I garapan Sam Mendes, "1917" mengalahkan Joker dan Parasite untuk titel Film Terbaik di Producers Guild of America (PGA) Awards 2020.

Redaktur & Reporter : Rasyid Ridha

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