Produk Musik Indonesia Digelar di JJF 2010
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010 – 17:45 WIB
JAKARTA - BNI returns for the sixth time on a row to once again support international-class event Java Jazz Festival 2010. According to BNI's President Director, Gatot M. Suwondo, BNI's support for Java Jazz Festival 2010 is also an actualization of its support towards Indonesia's creative industry.
BNI is the Ministry of Trade's partner in socializing and creating the blueprint of Indonesia's creative industry. The creative economy is a culture-based product and innovative services industry with an abundance of business potential for the future. In addition to business consideration, the development of creative economy activities also gives tribute to art and cultural issues.
Baca Juga:
There are 14 business sub-sectors encompassed within the creative industry, among which are: handicrafts, architecture, art market, design, fashion, advertising, video/film/photography, interactive games, music, performance arts, publishing, computer services and software, television & radio, and research & development.
Its support for Java Jazz Festival 2010 is also a form of BNI's commitment to appreciate and establish loyalty program for its consumers. Like the previous years, this year, BNI's consumers will have access to the "Buy 1 Get Two" privilege (for debit card & credit card holders). BNI will also issue Java Jazz Festival 2010 themed pre-paid card, a valid payment method for the event. (ito/jpnn)
JAKARTA - BNI returns for the sixth time on a row to once again support international-class event Java Jazz Festival 2010. According to BNI's President
Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi
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