Surat Cinta

Oleh: Dahlan Iskan

Surat Cinta
Dahlan Iskan (Disway). Foto: Ricardo/

Salah satunya dalam bahasa Inggris. Sangat romantis. Itulah surat seorang laki-laki berumur 62 tahun kepada seorang ning berumur 23 tahun.

Saat menulis surat itu, sebenarnya, Bung Karno lagi di tengah kesibukan luar biasa: menyusun pidato kenegaraan tanggal 17 Agustus 1963. Toh ia sempatkan menulis surat cinta ini:

“I am writing my speech for the 17th of this month. I try to concentrate my mind, to concentrate all my soul, on what I shall say to the people on that day.  In doing so, I think of you every moment. Because you are my inspiration, you are my strength of soul. That is why I ask you, my darling, to always strengthen my heart, my mind, my soul. Make me strong, make me the king of kings.

Oh darling, don't cry in my presence,  because it makes me confused. It makes me like a living corpse,  it makes me like having no ground. It makes me so weak, so weak, so weak. It makes me cry and weep in my heart. You are my only hold. You are my only strength. You are my only hope. Don't make me weak and don't make me have no hope in life. Remember always: you are my only love. I live in you, and you live in me.

Again: In writing this speech (17th of August) I concentrate my mind intensely on what I shall say to the people, and on you. I repeat you are my inspiration, you are the bright star shining over me.

Bukan main.

Begitulah memang Bung Karno kalau lagi jatuh cinta. Juga Anda. Kan, mirip itu juga suratnya pada istri keempat: Hartini. Juga pada istri kelima: Ratna Sari Dewi.

Nanang memotret hampir seluruh koleksi Enny terkait dengan Bung Karno. Termasuk foto ketika Enny masih kecil, bersama Hariyatie dan Bung Karno yang lagi tiduran santai.

Nanang punya monumennya sendiri: berkat protes Mas Trip itu ia menemukan surat-surat cinta Bung Karno. Salah satunya dalam bahasa Inggris. Sangat romantis.

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