Usai Pingsan Karena Diet Ketat, Ini Pesan Prilly Latuconsina

Usai Pingsan Karena Diet Ketat, Ini Pesan Prilly Latuconsina
Prilly Latuconsina. Foto: Instagram

Tak ingin apa yang dialaminya itu terjadi pada orang lain, dia pun memberikan sejumlah nasehat.

“So for those girls out there who feel so insecure because some people or even your boyfriend tell you that you're fat. Please dont listen to them! Your body is not theirs. And every human has different type of body so we don't need to look alike! Love yourself first. Cause beautiful is not about our size,” lanjut Prilly.

Tak lupa, Prilly pun berpesan untuk mencintai diri sendiri terlebih dahulu. Karena menurutnya, cantik bukan tentang ukuran.

“Its about your heart. And the way you can spread positive energy to other people! Every type of body is body goal as long as we’re healthy!,” tandas Prilly yang menyelipkan tagar #loveyourself dan #stopbodyshaming.(mg7/jpnn)

Artis peran Prilly Latuconsina tak menampik bila dirinya pingsan usai nge-gym karena menjalani diet ketat. Dia pun tak ingin orang lain ikut mengalaminya.

Redaktur & Reporter : Djainab Natalia Saroh

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